Thursday, January 31, 2008


The great Chakkanna sometimes roams the roads of Banglore/Hyderabad/Pilani disguised as cool guy CHAAAAKRI...
The line "The name is CHAAAKRI not chakka/chakri" Juniors are in awe, seniors in admiration, batchmates in fear of Cool Guy Chaaakri..
He party hops, drinks like a fish, tames elephants, plays with tigers and seduces women.
He is so cool that when chaakri walks in people shut off the a/c.. He is so hot that when chaaakri takes his shirt off women melt.

For the name is Chaaakri ......

Saturday, January 26, 2008

chakkanna Facts contd...

With his holy permission we are back....
11) Chakkanna doesnt wear a watch. He decides what time it is.
12) Chakkanna can slam shut a revolving door.
13) There are no races. Only countries of people beaten by chakkanna to shades of black and blue.
14) Chakkanna told newton that earth was round.
15) If tapped, Chakkanna's electric appeal can power India for a whole 45 minutes.
16) Chakkanna found marco polo s map to the city of gold.
17) Archaeologists found an old english dictionary dated 1238. It defined victim as 'one who has encountered chakkanna'
18) The movie oka mogadu is based on Chakkanna
19) There are no massive weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chakkanna lives in Bangalore.
The last but not hte least...........................
20) Chakkanna doesnt buy something. He just says he likes it. and It submits itself out of fear!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Chakkanna Facts

This is a site dedicated to the greatest human being that ever walked the earth. Some call him chakka, some call him chakri, but to the millions who follow him, he's chakkanna
1) There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of creatures which Chakkanna allowed to live.
2) Chakkanna knows whether the egg came first or the hen.
3) Chakkanna knows what one divided by 0 is.
4) Not only that. He even counted to infinity....... twice.
5) Chakkanna doesnt do push-ups. He pushes the earth down instead.
6) The big bang theory is what happens when chakkanna gets angry.
7) Chakkanna knows what the missing link is.
8) Chakkanna can kill two stones with one bird
9) Chakkanna can lead a horse to water and make it drink
10) Contrary to popular belief, India is not a democracy. Its Chakkanocracy

PS: Honestly invite all the hps junta, who had the blessing of being in his presence to contribute.