Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Chakkanna and Finance

Chakanna once upon a time wanted some money, so he went to a bank,

Bear Sterns:  What can we do for you Your Highness?
Chakanna: I want a billion $ as pocket change.
BS: We just have 990 mil today we will give you the rest tomo.
(When chakkana is angry the sun and the moon do disco dance)

One month later BS collapses............

Lehman: Sir the market is bad sir we can give you the money in 2 hours.
(Chakanna is angry both at Lehman and market..Sun Moon and the stars do disco dance)

One month later Nyse:Leh is down and 2 month later market takes the biggest hit.


1 comment:

Reddo! said...

super stuff... keep up the spirit.